Event details: Friday – Sunday,
27 – 29 January 2023, 12– 8pm
Temasek Polytechnic
[Originally posted on instagram on 31 January 2023]
That's it for #CutCopyPaste2023! Everything came together so late for us that there wasn’t time to make a proper post ahead of it – even this was meant to go out on Sunday morning, but here we are, such is life.
Thanks to the trust and openness of Thing Books (@thingbooks.shop) and Shrub (@shrub.0128), we got a rare invitation to bring a selection of zines and other printed matter out to share at this first edition of the spun-off zine fair. Pitched as “a little otherwise”, it was a modest intervention into a hectic marketplace that often seems to only say “everything's fine”, presenting dwelling place to read, rest, or be challenged. Hopefully it demonstrates in a small way varied potentials of print and self-publishing, and how that intersects with autonomous, liberatory networks for collective learning, healing, organising, joy, care, action, and much more.